Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sound and Fury

Here are some scenes from the documentary called, "Sound and Fury". This documentary was made in 2001. Comment on your thoughts and feeling in regards to what you see. I know that you do not get to see a lot but what you see in these scenes are powerful and will give you an overall idea of what this is about.

This is a very unique situation that left a family divided. Read on.

SOUND AND FURY documents one family's struggle over whether or not to provide two deaf children with cochlear implants, devices that can stimulate hearing. As the Artinians of Long Island, New York debate what is the right choice for the two deaf cousins, Heather, 6, and Peter, 1 1/2, viewers are introduced to one of the most controversial issues affecting the deaf community today. One brother is deaf and the other is hearing. Both brothers have deaf children. Heather is born into a strong deaf family (mom and dad are both Deaf). Peter is a twin, his brother is hearing. Although his father grew up with a Deaf brother and his mother grew up with Deaf parents, they have decided to get Peter a cochlear implant. The family is left confused, angry, and very divided. Heather wants an implant but her parents after looking into it, do not feel it is in the best interest of their family. The grandparents are very involved and the discussion becomes very heated, leaving the families torn apart.

Cochlear implants may provide easier access to the hearing world, but what do the devices mean for a person's sense of identity with deaf culture? Can durable bridges be built between the deaf and hearing worlds?

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

No blog this week

Hello Everyone,

There is no blog this week. Please just work on the take home exam that will be due next week Tuesday at the beginning of class. Be sure to PRINT a hard copy of your exam for me to turn in. NO LATE WORK will be accepted.

Good luck,
