Survivor, The Bachelor, The Amazing Race, 19 Kids and Counting, Jon and Kate Plus 8, The Real World, Big Brother, Little People Big World, and so many more are just a few of the several reality TV shows that have been created and enjoyed by millions of people. Reality TV has become an American way of life and guilty pleasure. Watching other people's lives and how they live has become increasing popular. We are invited into people lives as we have never before and sometimes we are allowed to view their most private moments. What do we take from these programs? Why do we love them? What do we learn from them? Do we get to experience different ways of lives and cultures in a realistic way? Do these programs enrich our lives? What do you think?
Marlee Matlin, a very famous actress that just happens to be Deaf is promoting a reality TV show based on a Deaf family. Watch the clip provided and comment on what you think this program will provide to its viewers. Do you think it is a good idea? Why or why not? Will this educate people about being Deaf in a positive light? What is beneficial and what is harmful about this?
My Deaf Family Pilot