Friday, November 16, 2012

Blog #11: Cochlear Implants (Sound and Fury)

Cochlear implants have gained more acceptance over the years but the debate for many still rings true. Cochlear implants have

Here are some facts about implants and hearing loss.

The debate:

 I would like you to read the questions that were debated by Nancy Bloch former Executive Director,The National Association of the Deaf  and Donna Sorkin, Fmr. Executive Director,Alexander Graham Bell Association

Both are very passionate about the subject. This debate happened 12 years ago. Please research and find where this debate is at today. Report your findings. What are your thoughts and feelings?

After you have read this debate, I would like you to watch this video, "My Son is Deaf Finally" Explain your emotions and feeling about this video and share the persecptive you may have gained about the Deaf Communities arguement.


  1. For the most part, I agreed mostly with what Nancy argued. Her ideas on adult implantation and how it is an individual choice is something that I agreed with. I am torn, though, with using ASL with a cochlear implant. I am biased, obviously, and would probably have my future child, if it be deaf, incorporate ASL along with a cochlear implant. The issue is that professionals are suggesting keeping them separate. So for me, it would mean my child would lose a language that is so important to my parents and me.

    The video shocked me! At first, I couldn’t help but feel that what he was doing was wrong, and anticipated seeing his “son” at the end. I can understand how some people are against the cochlear implant in such a way that if a deaf family shouldn’t make their son deaf, then why should hearing families make their deaf sons hearing? It is an interesting perspective indeed, and it has helped to give me insight in regards to those who aren’t so sure about cochlear implants.

  2. I really enjoyed reading the debate. I liked responses from both sides but their answers definitely differed. I feel like the NAD's responses were general but still focused on the question. The AGB Association's responses were answered with more emotion and personal experience. I really liked that the NAD supported adults and parents when it comes to the cochlear implant. I am assuming this stance has changed over the years. The debate addressed many different issues surrounding cochlear implants and also clarified some things.

    When I was first watching it, I was kind of mad at what him and his wife were supposedly doing. But half way through I realized it was making a comparison to what hearing parents do to deaf children. I finished watching it and my suspicions were confirmed and it was a prank. It was obviously an opposite view to cochlear implants and very radical but I also think it was necessary to make people think.

    1. It seems like we all agreed with Nancy for the most part in the debate. I think taking this class has helped our perspectives on these issues side with Nancy. Had I never studied Deaf culture, as a hearing person, I probably would have related better with the AG Bell representative.

  3. I too, mainly agreed with Nancy. Where I see a lot of the the valuable points that AG Bell Association is making, I think Nancy is looking at the issues on a more individual basis -- she is looking at them and how they will affect people individually. Where the AG Bell representative is looking at the topics and how they will affect an entire group. Nancy even stated "Being "connected" to the world is a highly individualized experience." This quote stood out to me because it's true in all cultures, not just with the Deaf culture.
    I remember watching this video in one of the other ASL classes, and it is definitely shocking. But then you have to take a step back and look at he issue from a different perspective. If a hearing family wants their deaf child to hear, why wouldn't a Deaf family want their hearing child to be Deaf? It's controversial yes, but i think the issue opens the eyes of the hearing community and brings them into a Deaf person's perspective.

  4. Derek I agree with you about about getting a child a CI when young. If you wait until they are old enough to make the decision for themselves, it may be too late. I feel like not giving your child a CI when they are born is taking away options. Isn't making the choice of not getting a CI the same as making the choice of getting one? Either way the parent is pushing for the child to identify a certain way. I just figure that if the child has CI and doesn't want to use it, they don't have to but they always had the option. When waiting for a CI may not be beneficial when they are an adult.

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