Monday, February 13, 2012

Megan's Article and Summary

TBA will be posted on Wednesday.


  1. Megan,

    Your article was very interesting today and it made me think. Just because you are deaf why can't you be in the Army? When you are deaf you don't have distractions like everyone else. I understand it would be hard to communicate with your group but after being with them for a while they will learn how to communicate with you and will adjust. I just think that if other countries have people on their team that is deaf why can’t we. Everyone should have an equal opportunity to make it fair.

    Tiff Hudack

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Megan,

    I think that capabilities should be put on a group of people but instead go on an individual basis like they do with everyone else. This was something I never realized was going on in our society. Agree with you Tiff, why can't we have free opportunity just like they have in other countries?

    Brittany Henderson

  3. Megan,

    Your article was extremely interesting. I see both sides of the argument of whether deaf individuals should be allowed to join the army. As the two of us discussed in class, I believe that deaf individuals should be allowed to would to do shore duty without having to go over seas. But Monica brought up a good point that talking is minimal in combat anyway. And with all the chaos with noise and explosions in a war zone, perhaps a deaf individual would be the most calm out of any soldier because they wouldn't react to the noise. My brother in law is in the army and he works on submarines. One of the jobs on the submarine is to watch the radar. This job does not include listening to the radar, that is an entirely different persons duty. They simply have to watch it for any foreign movement around them in the ocean. I think a Deaf individual would be the best candidate for this position because their sense of sight is probably much stronger than that of a hearing person.
    I think that there are certain positions in the US military that can be filled by Deaf individuals.

    Jill Kammerer

  4. Megan,

    I really enjoyed your article. I never thought about how individuals who are deaf are being turned down from the military without even being evaluated on if they are capable of serving our country in a safe manner or not. I believe that everybody should be considered on a individual bases.

  5. Megan,

    I thought your article was really interesting. It opened my mind up to new things because I've never really thought about how deaf people can't join the military. Honestly my first thoughts were that it's probably safer that way, but after our class discussion my opinion changed. I learned a lot from your article and discussion!

